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A high quality music education enables lifelong participation in, and enjoyment of music and this intrinsic value lies at the heart of our vision for music at Richard Cobden. We aim to foster our children’s enthusiasm for the subject, while also giving them the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to support their continued musical journey in and beyond the primary school. Alongside its intrinsic value, we also recognise that music makes a powerful contribution to other aspects of our children’s education and development. Research shows a strong link between the development of musical skills and attainment in other areas of learning, including in literacy and mathematics. Learning to sing and play instruments are physical activities which help to develop coordination, breathing and promote a healthy body. Music can also benefit the emotional well-being and social development of our children. It is a unique form of expression that can give each child an artistic outlet, a sense of achievement and confidence. Musical activities provide opportunities for our children to collaborate and perform together, developing communication skills and teamwork and helping to foster a sense of community.      

Alongside its intrinsic value, we also recognise that music makes a powerful contribution to other aspects of our children’s education and development. Research shows a strong link between the development of musical skills and attainment in other areas of learning, including in literacy and mathematics.

Learning to sing and play instruments are physical activities which help to develop coordination, breathing and promote a healthy body. Music can also benefit the emotional well-being and social development of our children. It is a unique form of expression that can give each child an artistic outlet, a sense of achievement and confidence. Musical activities provide opportunities for our children to collaborate and perform together, developing communication skills and teamwork and helping to foster a sense of community.

Early Years Foundation Stage

In EYFS, music sessions are delivered by the class teacher as an integral part of the EYFS curriculum. Children enjoy singing activities and explore musical instruments. Songs and nursery rhymes are also used throughout the week in other areas of learning and as part of the class routine. Each classroom has a music area where children have access to a variety of instruments.

Key Stage 1 and 2

In Key Stage 1 and 2, all classes have a one-hour music lesson each week with our specialist music teacher. The children develop their musical skills, knowledge and understanding through singing, performing, composing and listening activities using a variety of instruments and through a wide range of genres.

Pupils in Years 4 and 5 participate in the Camden Wider Opportunities Programme, delivered by our specialist music teacher and our visiting violin tutor. The children have the opportunity to learn to play both the recorder and violin, and they perform and compose together as a class group. For more details on the specific areas covered in each year group, please see the Year 1-6 curriculum maps.


Music assemblies

Pupils participate in music assemblies once per week, one for Reception and Key Stage 1, and one for Key Stage 2. The assemblies are led by our specialist music teacher and are an opportunity for the children to sing together as a community for enjoyment. The children learn and perform new songs together and showcase what they have been learning in their music lessons.

Performance opportunities

All children take part in musical shows (including the Winter show and Year 6 show) during their time at Richard Cobden. Each child also performs annually in their class assembly for friends and family, singing songs related to their topic learning that term. Year 4 and 5 and those children having instrumental tuition perform on the violin, recorder, piano and guitar in termly music concerts and it is a great opportunity to show family and friends the progress they are making on their instruments. There are several opportunities during the academic year for the children to perform with children from other schools in the borough at various venues. For example, the Year 5 children participate in the Camden Music WOJam (Wider Opportunities Jam), Year 4 participate in the Camden Music Ceilidh and the Year 3 children participate in the Camden Music Cluster Festival.

Extra-curricular music

Royal Albert Hall Concert

Richard Cobden has a thriving school choir which rehearse weekly after school. The choir is open to all children in Key Stage 2 and performs regularly at events such as the Christmas Fair, Summer Fair and fundraising busking at Euston Station. The choir also participate alongside other schools in the borough in the Camden Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall and the Camden Primary Choirs Festival.

Children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to learn the piano, violin or guitar with visiting instrumental teachers from the Camden Music Service. Children can have weekly individual or group tuition and instruments are available to borrow or hire.

Children in Year 4 and 5 are invited to join the Somers Town Sinfonia during the summer term, rehearsing and performing weekly after-school in an orchestra with children from other local schools and alongside professional musicians.

Curriculum enrichment

All children at Richard Cobden enjoy visits to concert halls and other arts venues to experience live music performances by professional musicians. We also provide regular opportunities for the children to experience chamber music performances by professional musicians in the school setting, including termly performance workshops from professional soloists, courtesy of The Musicians’ Company. We regularly work with arts organisations on extended projects to enrich the classroom experience, such as a recent collaboration with the Royal Academy of Music and the Echéa Quartet on a Year 5 music technology composing project.